
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Zafar Ismailov” ,找到相关结果约879条。
Germination and Seed Viability of Helichrysum maracandicum Popov Ex Kirp. Sterilized under in Vitro Conditions  [PDF]
Normat Khasanov, Bakhtiyor Kodirov, Yigitali Tashpulatov, Alisher Khujanov, Zafar Ismailov, Dustmurod Ulashyev
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2023.142010
Abstract: Most medicinal plants are on the verge of extinction. In this regard, biotechnology is facing the challenge of developing alternative ways to produce biomass with the desired Biological active substance. The maximum yield of high growth performance of the cell culture mainly depends on the selection of optimal ratios and concentrations of growth regulators. This problem, namely the search for the optimal composition of the nutrient medium has become one of the main tasks in the cultivation of H. maracandicum Popov ex Kirp plant cells. Methods and results of seed sterilization of H. maracandicum are discussed in the article. This endemic, rare species of medicinal plant from the flora of Uzbekistan family Asteraceae Dumotr has a unique composition of secondary metabolites. For example, from the biomass of immortelle were isolated flavonoids, coumarins, lipids, phenols, purines, steroids, triterpenoids, glycosides, coumarins, cerines, bitter tannins, essential oils, etc. Used in folk medicine for cholecystitis and diseases of the liver, bladder, and gastrointestinal tract.
Sorting of the Structure of Corrugated Yarn Production in Cluster Enterprises  [PDF]
Ismailov Nurulla Tuychiboevich
Engineering (ENG) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/eng.2021.134014
Abstract: In the article, the methods of processing and obtaining multicomponent raw materials were investigated with the properties of multicomponent threads obtained from fiber waste cluster enterprises in textile production, the interrelation of the components sorting composition. To solve the problem, we used the cause-effect relationship of information theory from the grid planning Matrix, solving the dependence of raw materials, physical and mechanical parameters and the established characteristics of the product. Empirical correlations were obtained on the nature and mechanism of the relationship between factors, which allowed the system to establish a theory of control and prediction of behavior. The methods of evaluation used in this study make it possible to expand the information base with respect to these indicators and to use them in the production of fabrics and threads with established characteristics.
On the approximation by weighted ridge functions
Vugar Ismailov
Mathematics , 2007,
Abstract: We characterize the best $L_{2}$ approximation to a multivariate function by linear combinations of ridge functions multiplied by some fixed weight functions. In the special case when the weight functions are constants, we propose explicit formulas for both the best approximation and approximation error.
On the proximinality of ridge functions
Vugar Ismailov
Mathematics , 2007,
Abstract: Using two results of Garkavi, Medvedev and Khavinson, we give sufficient conditions for proximinality of sums of two ridge functions with bounded and continuous summands in the spaces of bounded and continuous multivariate functions respectively. In the first case, we give an example which shows that the corresponding sufficient condition cannot be made weaker for some subsets of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$. In the second case, we obtain also a necessary condition for proximinality. All the results are furnished with plenty of examples. The results, examples and following discussions naturally lead us to a conjecture on the proximinality of the considered class of ridge functions. The main purpose of the paper is to draw readers' attention to this conjecture.
On the theorem of M.Golomb
Vugar Ismailov
Mathematics , 2007,
Abstract: Let $X_{1},...,X_{n}$ be compact spaces and $X=X_{1}\times ... \times X_{n}.$ Consider the approximation of a function $f\in C(X)$ by sums $g_{1}(x_{1})+... g_{n}(x_{n}),$ where $g_{i}\in C(X_{i}),$ $i=1,...,n.$ In [8], M.Golomb obtained a formula for the error of this approximation in terms of measures constructed on special points of $X$, called "projection cycles". However, his proof had a gap, which was pointed out by Marshall and O'Farrell [15]. But the question if the formula was correct, remained open. The purpose of the paper is to prove that Golomb's formula holds in a stronger form.
A note on the representation of continuous functions by linear superpositions
Vugar Ismailov
Mathematics , 2015,
Abstract: We consider the problem of the representation of real continuous functions by linear superpositions $\sum_{i=1}^{k}g_{i}\circ p_{i}$ with continuous $g_{i}$ and $p_{i}$. This problem was considered by many authors. But complete, and at the same time explicit and practical solutions to the problem was given only for the case $k=2$. For $k>2$, a rather practical sufficient condition for the representation can be found in Sternfeld [17] and Sproston, Strauss [16]. In this short note, we give a necessary condition of such kind for the representability of continuous functions.
On the representation by linear superpositions
Vugar Ismailov
Mathematics , 2015,
Abstract: In a number of papers, Y. Sternfeld investigated the problems of representation of continuous and bounded functions by linear superpositions. In particular, he proved that if such representation holds for continuous functions, then it holds for bounded functions. We consider the same problem without involving any topology and establish a rather practical necessary and sufficient condition for representability of an arbitrary function by linear superpositions. In particular, we show that if some representation by linear superpositions holds for continuous functions, then it holds for all functions. This will lead us to the analogue of the well-known Kolmogorov superposition theorem for multivariate functions on the $d$-dimensional unit cube.
Flexible cable strength with regard to tribological interaction of its elements
GM Ismailov
- , 2019, DOI: 10.1177/1350650118821019
Abstract: This paper considers certain issues of tribological interaction between flexible cable elements. It proposes a new approach for determining frictional forces of cable elements while taking into account cable parameters. This study is the first to derive formulas of mechanical stresses in the zone of contacting elements for assessing the cable strength. The paper demonstrates how the derived formulas for cables can be used in practice for design purposes. The influence of geometric parameters of cable design on its strength has been analyzed
Population Settlement in the Caspian Region
Ismailov, ?ingiz
- , 2002,
Abstract: Sa?etak The paper examines the characteristics of settlement patterns in the littoral (coastal) areas of the Caspian region. The author’s historical excursion into the region’s past illustrates the complexity of the intertwined fates of the peoples who presently inhabit the littoral areas around the Caspian Sea. From the 18th century, Russia began to penetrate into the region, in opposition to Iran. For this purpose, Peter I [Peter the Great] ordered the construction, in the coastal areas, of outpost forts that eventually turned into settlements (Fort Petrovsk, Fort Shevchenko, Krasnovodsk and others). The development of settlements in the coastal areas brought about an expansion of the web of transportation communications. Yet territorial differences arose in the level of development of certain forms of transportation. Such a situation, to a great extent, was determined by the particularities pertaining to the economic-geographical situation of various sections of the Caspian littoral area. In order to determine the population density of littoral areas an important methological approach would entail a delimitation of the borders of the littoral areas. The author analyses diverse approaches used to establish the outlines of settlement regions in the littoral areas. He distinguishes several coastal strips, with various degrees of population attraction. Owing to natural-climatic conditions and the degree of adaptation, the littoral areas of the Caspian region show diversities in the level of development of urban settlements. The highest level of urbanisation is evident in the littoral strip of Azerbaijan, in which the most populous town in the Caspian region is located (Baku). A comparison of the population settlement traits in the coastal areas of the Caspian region indicates that the highest level of concentration is found along the Iranian strip of the coast, and the least concentration along the Turkmenian strip. In this sense, in the most settled areas (on the territory of Iran and Azerbaijan) the dominant type of settlement is centrifugal, whereas in the least settled areas (in Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan) the dominant settlement patterns are dispersed and nidificative locations
Razmje?taj stanovni?tva u Prikaspijskoj regiji
Ismailov, ?ingiz
- , 2002,
Abstract: Sa?etak ?lanak se bavi obilje?jima razmje?taja stanovni?tva u priobalnom podru?ju Prikaspijske regije. Autor daje kratak pregled povijesti regije obilje?ene slo?enom isprepleteno??u sudbina naroda koji sada nastanjuju priobalno podru?je Kaspijskoga mora. U 18. stolje?u na to podru?je prodire Rusija suprotstavljaju?i se Iranu. Petar Veliki gradi utvrde koje se kasnije pretvaraju u naselja (Fort-Petrovsk, Fort-?ev?enko, Krasnovodsk i dr.). Razvoj naselja poti?e i razvoj prometne mre?e. Ve? se u tom razdoblju javljaju regionalne razlike u razvijenosti prometnih komunikacija. Te razlike umnogome odra?avaju razli?itost ekonomsko-geografskog polo?aja pojedinih dijelova Prikaspijske regije. S namjerom da procijeni razlike u gusto?i naseljenosti unutar Prikaspijske regije, autor primjenjuje metodu delimitacije granica priobalnih podru?ja. Daje se analiza razli?itih pristupa koji su dosad primjenjivani u istra?ivanju razmje?taja stanovni?tva u priobalnim podru?jima. Autor izdvaja nekoliko priobalnih zona koje se me?usobno razlikuju prema stupnju atraktivnosti. Zbog razli?itosti prirodnoklimatskih uvjeta, stupnja naseljenosti i privredne razvijenosti, priobalna podru?ja razlikuju se prema razvijenosti gradskih naselja. Najve?im stupnjem urbaniziranosti odlikuje se obalna zona Azerbajd?ana, u kojoj se nalazi i najve?i grad cijele Prikaspijske regije (Baku). Usporedna analiza razmje?taja stanovni?tva unutar regije pokazuje da je najvi?e stanovnika na Iranskom dijelu priobalja, a najmanje na Turkmenskome. Pritom u najnaseljenijim dijelovima (iranskome i azerbajd?anskome) dominira arealni (centrifugalni) tip razmje?taja stanovni?tva; suprotno tome, za najmanje naseljene dijelove (turkmenski i kazahski) karakteristi?ni su disperzivni i ?ari?ni tipovi razmje?taja

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